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Friday Freebie: Qualify and Educate with the Home Seller Packet

August 04 2022

We talk a lot about getting sellers to choose you as their agent--but what about helping you choose your clients? After all, not every seller is right for you, and not every home is ready to be listed.

That's why in this week's Friday Freebie, we're highlighting a home seller packet that helps you qualify sellers, learn more about your potential listing, and educate buyers on the sales process.

Free download of The Home Seller Packet Template, courtesy of Zurple

frifree zurple sellers packetIf there's one thing The Home Seller Packet is, it's mutually beneficial—to both you and your client. You'll learn more about the seller's needs and timeline, and the homeowner will learn why you're the agent to choose as well as the ins and outs of the home sale process.

The Home Seller Packet makes your job easier while increasing your value in the eyes of your clients. They'll get valuable checklists and information on selling their home, while seller questionnaires help you better understand and qualify your sellers. And, as we all know, the sales process runs much more smoothly when clients are well-informed.

Here's what you get in The Home Seller Packet:

  • About Me - Fully customizable agent bio with space for contact info and agent qualifications
  • Home Seller Questionnaire - Qualify sellers and learn more about their home before listing
  • Home Seller Checklist - Important action items to do throughout the sales process
  • Home Preparation Checklist - To-do list for sellers to prepare their home for market
  • Home Seller Terminology - Common real estate terms sellers should know
  • Home Seller Timeline - A visual timeline of the sales process, from pre-listing to close

Ready to level-up your listing game? Download The Home Seller Packet now!